Key Features
Example of Benefits and Coverage
Underwriting Criteria
  • “LH Bank Happy Life 9090” is a marketing name. Approval name from OIC is “Muang Thai Smart Protection 90/90”.
  • Information in this document for sales proposal only, it is not a part of insurance policy contract. For the maximum benefit, an applicant should study, read and understand more information in the insurance policy contract.
  • This product is an insurance policy contract. It is not a deposit. For the maximum benefit of insurance policy contract, an applicant should pay an insurance premium until the due of premium payment term and hold an insurance policy until the maturity date. If an insurance policy is terminated before the maturity date, an applicant may not receive a principal or receive a full refund.
  • Buyer should have an understanding in details of the coverage and conditions before making a decision to purchase insurance every time.
  • Life insurance premium of this insurance plan is eligible for personal income tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax No. 172 announced on 30 December 2008.
  • Insurable guidelines refer to Underwriting Procedures of Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL.
  • Land and House Bank PCL, as a life insurance broker, present life insurance product and facilitate payment of premium only. Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL is responsible for the conditions, coverage and entitled benefits as stated in the insurance policy conditions.

Brochure-LH Bank Happy Life 9090

Announcement on 07 March 2020


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