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SMEs Loan


SMEs Loan

       SME lending is targeted to serving your business purposes covering working capital as well as production capacity expansion through capital expenditure for buildings, plants, machines, and equipments. The Bank will work closely with a corporate client in advising appropriate credit facilities and tenors in alignment with the client’s business nature.

Short-Term Loan

       With tenor of up to 1 year, a short-term loan will enhance working capital base and so liquidity of your business. A number of short-term loan options are available to best support your business needs:

  • Promissory Note (“P/N”).

  • Overdraft.

Long-Term Loan

       With maturity of 3 years or over, a long-term loan is aimed for an enterprise’s capital expenditure projects encompassing the following:

  • Refinancing existing credit facilities with other banks.

  • Plant and equipment maintenance and expansion.

  • For investing in real estate, customers could enjoy juristic tax benefits from depreciation and loan interest deduction as per specified law/regulation.

Due Diligence Document List

>> Individuals

  • Copy of identification card

  • Copy of house registration

  • Copy of name/ surname change certificate (if any)

  • Copy of marriage certificate (if any)

  • Personal income tax form

  • Copy of agreement to sell or to buy or deposit agreement

  • A schedule of collaterals and related documents

  • Updated bank statement of at least the past 6 months

>> Juristic Persons

  • Copies of identification card(s) of the juristic person’s authorized director(s)

  • Copy of affidavit of the company or limited partnership

  • Minutes of the shareholders’ meeting and resolutions of the meeting to enter into credit facilities agreement with and/or open an account with the Bank

  • Updated 3-year historical financial statements of the juristic person

  • Corporate tax identification card

  • Corporate income tax form

  • Copy of agreement to sell or to buy or deposit agreement

  • A schedule of collaterals and related documents

  • Updated bank statement of at least the past 6 months


en - สอบถามข้อมูล
en - แจ้งข้อมูลให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญของเราติดต่อกลับ
        I hereby certify that the information specified above including personal data given to the bank above, is correct and true in all respects, and intend to give it to the bank for the bank's officers to contact me to provide financial advice and present information about the bank's products or services that I am interested in or may be interested in.
        I have read, understood, and acknowledged the details of the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data, including my rights, in accordance with the announcement of the bank's privacy notice. Click here for more information.
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